Military Industry Links

Military Spec Cleaners, Degreasers and Solvents

Ecolink is a Defense Supply Center Richmond Silver Medal Supplier with over ten years experience serving the U.S. Military. Most importantly, Ecolink’s solvent replacement strategies, toxic reduction programs and implementation support have helped the Department of Defense meet its strategic goals for environmental compliance. See Military Case Studies

Ecolink supplies mission critical cleaners to all branches of the military and to support organizations. Ecolink is committed to providing a consistent supply of environmentally preferred solvents, cleaners and MRO chemicals for both Mil-Spec and non Mil-Spec customers.

Ecolink accepts the IMPAC Card and offers streamlined procurement for any of its environmentally preferred cleaning and maintenance products.

We invite you to consider Ecolink’s proven solutions for your critical applications:

Military Applications Ecolink Recommendation
Non-flammable Contact CleanerElectrical and Avionics
Equipment cleaning
Ecolink 3005 has undergone thorough testing and conforms to:
Boeing D6-17487 Revision P
Electrical and Avionics
Equipment cleaningNow available during during
HCFC-141b transition.
(See 141b Phase-out Guide)
Ecolink 2005 — aerosol or bulkNSN: 6850-01-479-8303 (12-box)

6850-01-386-8423 (5 gal)

6850-01-386-8419 (48.5 gal)

6850-01-386-8410 (1 gal)

Inspection Penetrant Remover
SAE/AMS-2644A, Class 2
Electron NDENSN: 6850-00-357-7926 (1 gal)
Aircraft exterior
Spot cleaningFuel and hydraulic lines
Flow-through cleaning for refit programsGeneral Equipment Cleaning
Rotating electrical equipment, Hydraulic components, Ball bearings, Mating surfaces of outboard cable, Connector assemblies on submarines, Aircraft cannon plugs, Thermal spray pre-clean

Spectrometer burn chamber cleaning

ElectronNSN: 6850-01-371-8049 pump spray, 22 ounce (12-box)

6850-01-371-8048 aerosol cans (12-box)

6850-01-375-5554 (4X1 gal)

6850-01-375-5553 (5 gal)

6850-01-375-5555 (55 gal)

MIL-PRF-680A, Type IV
for General Maintenance of DOD Ground Equipment,
Weapons, Ground Vehicles
& Aviation Equipment
Electron 296NSN: 6850-01-472-2721 QT

6850-01-472-2723 PT

6850-01-472-2722 GL

6850-01-472-2717 (5 gal)

6850-01-472-2719 (55 gal)

MIL-PRF-680A, Type II
for General Maintenance of DOD Ground Equipment,
Weapons, Ground Vehicles
& Aviation Equipment
New IINSN: 6850-01-474-2319 GL

6850-01-474-2317 (5 gal)

6850-01-378-0698 (15 gal)

Oxygen Cleaning Compound
Satisfies the most stringent requirements of the US Navy for cleaning aircraft, combat submarine, deep submersible, and diving equipment gaseous oxygen piping and components
OCCNSN: 6850-01-389-3859 (5 gal)

6850-01-389-3880 (55 gal)

Hand wiping
Used in the Peacekeeper, Delta, Pegasus, D-5 and Titan programs
QEDNSN: 6850-01-411-7451 (4X1 gal)

6850-01-412-0029 (5 gal)

6850-01-412-0031 (55 gal)

Wire rope cleaning
Aggressive Solvent for Cleaning all Organic and Inorganic Soils such as Cosmoline, Rosin Flux, Pitch and Wire Rope —
U.S. Navy
VortexNSN: 6850-01-386-8405 (4X1 gal)

6850-01-386-8404 (5 gal)

6850-01-386-8434 (55 gal)

General Purpose CleanerExterior and General
Cleaners, Stress Corrosion of Titanium Alloys by
Aircraft Maintenance
Hypersolve™ NSN: 6850-01-450-6162 (5-gal CN)

6850-01-450-6160 (52-gal in 55 GL DR)

General Purpose CleanerExterior and General
Cleaners, Stress Corrosion of Titanium Alloys by
Aircraft Maintenance
Triagen Aerosol NSN: 6850-01-450-6155 (12-14 oz. BX)
General Purpose CleanerCleaning the Exterior of Gas Turbine Engines – including both Titanium & non-Titanium Hardware, Ferrography, Cleaning of Cannon Plugs and Wire Harnesses, Cleaning Agent for Signature Control Material Installation
and Repair, Wipe Solvent – Low Vapor Pressure Type II Class A, Hand Wipe Cleaning of Landing Gear Components for Overhaul and Repair, Exterior and General Cleaners
PositronNSN: 6850-01-411-8815 (4×1-gal BX)

6850-01-412-0026 (5-gal CN)

6850-01-412-0028 (55-gal DR)

6850-01-445-3545 (12-16 oz. Aerosols BX)

6850-01-445-3541 (12-22 oz. Pump BX)

Cleans Grease, Oils, Hanger FloorsUSPS Code Sorting Scan Head Reflector Rip TideNSN: 6850-01-394-0164 (4×1-gal BX)

6850-01-394-0165 (6-gal CN)

6850-01-394-0161 (55-gal DR)

Paint & Resin Solvent, Paint Gun Cleaning, Spot Paint Removal Safe StripNSN: 6850-01-386-8428 (6×1-gal BX)

6850-01-386-8424 (6-gal CN)

6850-01-386-8430 (55-gal DR)