MEK, short for methyl ethyl ketone, and acetone are both potent chemical solvents that can be used for cleaning, but it is important to understand their difference when comparing MEK vs acetone, to decide which solvent best suits your needs. While both of these...
If your business uses large amounts of 142 solvent, you may want to consider finding a quality bulk chemical supplier that can help you save money while still providing a quality chemical. Bulk 142 solvent supplies can be useful for industries that are in need of a...
70/30 IPA (Isopropyl Alcohol) is a low toxicity solvent made of a mix of 70% pure isopropyl alcohol and 30% water. This is generally the mixture used in first aid products such as rubbing alcohol. 70/30 IPA, like the mixture that is found in rubbing alcohol, is...
Water based solvents are solvents that can be used for cleaning or degreasing, but the difference between these water based solvents and other cleaning solvents is that one of the primary components, or the “base” is water instead of a chemical ingredient. There are...
A wetting index for solvents is used to determine a chemical solvent’s wettability, or ability to stay in contact with a surface when being used as a cleaning agent. In this system of categorizing chemical solvents, the water level or wettability of the solvent...