Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Eco Friendly Options to Replace NPB Bromide

An abundant source of information has recently come out about the negative and serious side effects of using n-Propyl Bromide, or n-PB. Recently, The New York Times published an eye-opening piece describing how hazardous the NPB Bromide chemical agent is to the environment and to people exposed to, and coming into contact with, the chemical […]

Industrial Cleaners That are Eco-friendly

Cleaning agents in the forms of liquids, sprays, powders, or granules simplify the removal of contaminants on surfaces during many industrial processes. It has been common for companies to rely on organic solvents with carbon as part of their chemical solution to eliminate undesirable contaminants; however, these chemicals have raised much concern about worker and […]

Organic Solvents – Safe & Effective Cleaning Agents

Any substance capable of dissolving and dispersing another substance is considered to be a solvent. Cleaners or degreasers containing carbon as part of their molecular structure are referred to as organic solvents. These substances can be found in countless products including varnishes, adhesives, paints, cleaning agents, and glues. They are also used in the production […]

Aqueous Cleaners: Low-VOC Alternatives

Petroleum-based chemicals such as mineral spirits are frequently used to dissolve dirt, oil, burnt-on carbon, and grease quickly from the surfaces of parts or machinery. These traditional cleaners are a risky application because they pose significant harm to any individual handling them. Certain factors make petroleum-based organic solvents more dangerous than aqueous cleaners including:   […]