Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Balancing Industrial Cleaning Requirements with Worker Safety

Company owners are responsible for the well being of their employees, and should implement safety procedures and protocol to maintain the safety of those workers while performing their duties. You probably would not find a business owner who would disagree with that statement. Having said that, the degree of danger workers place themselves in at […]

Finding Low VOC Cleaners an Industrial Hygienist can Endorse

It is the duty of the industrial hygienist to anticipate, recognize, evaluate, communicate, and control environmental hazards that stem from several workplace toxicity releasers that could potentially hurt, harm, injure, impair, or seriously negatively affect the workforce. An industrial hygienist is expected to find, analyze, and deconstruct – if need be – any toxin that […]

DTD 406B Deicing Fluid for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV’s)

(Commonly known as TKS™ Fluid — Kilfrost put the ‘K’ in TKS™)  Description Do you operate or maintain UAV’s with “weeping wings” or a TKS™ ice protection system? DTD 406B aircraft in-flight ice protection fluid protects YOU and YOUR valuable asset from in-flight freezing by distributing ice protection fluids through porous metal structures that form […]