Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Low VOC Cleaners that Safety Consultants will Love

Volatile Organic Compounds, also called by their acronym VOCs, are chemicals that have a considerably high vapor pressure even in ordinary room temperatures. The high vapor pressure is a result of having a low boiling point, which in turn causes molecules to be released into the air. While not all VOC’s are harmful, there are […]

Protecting Workers While Keeping Your Business Clean

Business owners and executives who understand the fundamental needs to house a prosperous enterprise will tell you that the backbone of any successful company stems from the labor of its workers. Even the minute labor force makes up the building block of creating and nurturing a successful business. It is important that the “higher ups” […]

Using Less Cleaning Product Does Not Always Mean Less Clean

For decades, most industrial cleaning products have been effective for companies needing an efficient cleaner for their parts, metals, and materials. Cleaning products are expected to clean and degrease dirt, grime, dust, stains, and oils from products with near one hundred percent efficiency; otherwise, the products might fail when put into production. Industrial cleaners and […]

What Does an Industrial Hygienist Do?

Industrial hygiene is the science of anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, and controlling workplace conditions that could cause the injury or illness of a worker. Industrial hygienists use environmental monitoring and analytical methods to detect the extent of worker exposure and employ engineering, work practice controls, and other methods to control potential health hazards. It is the […]

Reducing Worker Exposure to Toxic Chemicals

Numerous industrial companies require the use of certain types of chemicals in order to clean parts, metals, and materials, so that those pieces can be utilized to perform as intended. Industrial companies rely on chemical cleaning agents for their business to thrive, because products that have not been properly cleaned can lead to serious problems, […]