Entries by Industrial Degreasers

AK 225 Ban

HCFC 225 BAN 12-31-14 (CAS # 422-56-0 AND 507-55-1) Beginning January 1, 2015, HCFC-225 (also called “AK225”), a common precision solvent for high-end cleaning, will be banned for usage, per the Clean Air Act under the Montreal Protocol. HCFC-225 is a mixture of two isomers, HCFC-225ca and HCFC-225cb. A common source of HCFC-225 is from […]

Keep Ahead of EPA Regulations with our Solvent Replacement Strategies

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been doing an excellent job weeding out hazardous chemical solvents. The EPA discovers potentially harmful cleaning solvents, performs its due diligence through myriad research concerning the chemical cleaning solvent, and if regarded as harmful, will create a notice informing any industrial company using this chemical cleaning solvent must cease […]

Get Safer Chemicals for Industrial Cleaning

In the previous decade, speculation grew that the chemicals industrial organizations were using for the industrial cleaning of parts, metals, and other materials might be harmful to the environment, and to people who were in contact with or in close proximity. As more evidence from health regulation committees and environmental organizations came to light that […]

How does the EPA Regulate the Industrial Cleaning Industry?

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) develops regulations, also known as or called MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology) standards, requiring industrial organizations and other entities involved in possibly emitting hazardous toxins into the environment to meet specific emissions limits that are based on emissions levels viewed as safe. In addition, the EPA applies a risk based […]