Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Sophie’s Internship Experience

Introduction to Sophie Hi there! My name is Sophie, and I am a college junior majoring in Biochemistry. During my sophomore year, I had been hoping to find an internship for the following summer, so I was overjoyed when I was hired as one of Ecolink’s SEO Writing Interns.   This internship definitely met my expectations […]

Jorie’s Internship Experience

Did the Internship Meet My Expectations?  The Ecolink internship did meet my expectations! I was a little nervous at first because it was my first internship and I wanted to do well, and it was incredibly helpful that everyone was very nice, understanding, and supportive. I also found that I learned many things about myself […]

History of Women Cosmetic Scientists

While the world of science may not historically consist of women, it’s significantly influenced by them nonetheless. The various areas of scientific study such as biology, chemistry, physics, and more all have influential female figureheads. They have helped shape modern knowledge and practices in their relative fields and are especially true in the field of […]

Cleaning Up Chesapeake Bay – Thomas Brennan

I was fortunate to grow up around water and attend college just minutes away from the James, a river flowing down from the Appalachian Mountains and emptying into the Chesapeake Bay. I’ve lived in the Chesapeake River Basin my whole life, as do more than 18 million others. The watershed encompasses parts of six states- […]

Getting to Know Thomas Brennan

Getting to Know Thomas Brennan  Thomas Brennan is currently a freshman at Christopher Newport University and is one of Ecolink’s five-hundred-dollar scholarship recipients. We wanted to get to know a bit more about Thomas and his winning essay, so we asked. Here’s what we learned about Thomas:?  Thomas is in his first year at Christopher […]