Entries by Industrial Degreasers

What Is Non-Pressure Chemical Cleaning?  

Non-pressure chemical cleaning, also known as soft washing, is a method that eliminates the use of extreme pressure when cleaning a roof. When it comes to applying a cleaning detergent or rinsing the solution off of a roof, high-pressurized blasts of water from a pressure or power washers aren’t used. While these powerful blasts may […]

How to Clean Mold off Asphalt Shingles   

Cleaning mold off asphalt shingles doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Read on to learn about the methods and types of cleaning that’ll help your shingles look spotless.  The Importance of Cleaning Asphalt Shingles   Mold thrives in any area that contains moisture, and when mixed with debris buildup, can be unsightly and cause damage […]

Is Lithium Mining Worse Than Oil Drilling? 

Lithium and oil are two resources that we rely on daily. From the batteries in our mobile phones to the oil in our cars, lithium, and oil are essential elements in our society. But while we are exposed to devices and machines that require these substances daily, not everyone is aware of the environmental impact […]

What Is the Environmental Impact of Lithium Mining?   

Lithium is an essential resource used in the manufacturing of rechargeable and non-rechargeable batteries. Found in everything from smartphones to pacemakers, modern technology relies on lithium to keep our devices charged and working.  While rechargeable batteries may seem like an eco-friendly idea, there is a high environmental cost associated with lithium batteries. The environmental impact […]