Entries by Industrial Degreasers

4 Financial Benefits of Solvent Recovery Systems

Solvent recovery systems allow solvent to be recycled and reused for cleaning operations. For many organizations, the simplest way to recover solvents is to use them in a pressurized parts washing system that performs solvent recovery automatically, such as by using condensation to separate the solvent from soils it collects during the cycle.   Below, […]

4 Ways to Reduce Industrial Chemical Disposal Costs

Most industrial chemicals have a four-stage life span: The solvent manufacturer creates the chemicals, the solvent user implements them, and then the user sends the chemicals to the waste trap. From there, a chemical waste disposal outfit removes the solvent from the trap. If it sounds simple, it is, but the scenario isn’t always free […]

6 Characteristics of Safe Industrial Solvents

The safety of an industrial solvent is partly contextual. For example, while an solvent ingredient that burn skin would be considered dangerous in all cases, an ingredient that combusts at a certain temperature could be dangerous or safe, depending on how and where it’s used. Nevertheless, there are certain qualities of industrial solvents that generally […]

Options for Aerospace Hydraulic System Cleaning Solvent

Because of the critical role that aerospace hydraulic systems play in flying and landing aircraft, you can never be too vigilant about maintaining the hydraulic systems for your aerospace equipment. To be vigilant about maintenance, though, you first need to select a hydraulic system cleaning solvent that matches the needs of your equipment and cleaning […]

Trichloroethylene Health Effects: A Case for Replacement

Trichloroethylene (TCE) has been used since the 1920s for a variety of purposes. Today, it’s primarily known as an industrial solvent used in degreasing applications. TCE works well as a general purpose degreaser for industrial jobs, but it poses health problems to those who apply it consistently, and it can even affect workers who apply […]