Entries by Industrial Degreasers

6 Common Acetone Solvent Uses by Industry

Acetone is one of the oldest chemical compounds used for industrial purposes. Wikipedia notes that “about 6.7 million tonnes [of acetone] were produced worldwide in 2010.” As more businesses crop up in industries where acetone has a purpose, usage increases. Below are six industries where businesses and organizations commonly use acetone in an official capacity. […]

Industrial IPA Solvent Suppliers: Questions to Ask Before You Buy

There are lots of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) suppliers out there. Having such an extensive range of options is nice from a customer standpoint, but it can also make the supplier selection process last longer than anticipated. If you need industrial strength IPA — which generally has a purity of at least 99% — crossing suppliers […]

Cutting Chemical Usage: What are Your Best Options?

Cutting down on chemical usage is something many organizations in the industrial sector would like to do, but they lack resolve. It’s easier to keep using chemicals that work like a charm — and view negative safety factors as an inevitable part of the equation — than hassle with implementing other strategies and potentially deal […]

Eliminating Chemical Waste: 6 Strategies

The first thing to understand about eliminating chemical waste is that it doesn’t require eliminating the use of chemicals. It may involve reducing chemical use, but the goal is to prevent chemical waste and the problems it creates for human safety, the environment, and the finances of companies that have industrial chemical needs. Strategies for […]

Solvent Solutions: Options for Reducing Harmful Chemicals

It’s a common situation at many organizations that have industrial solvent cleaning needs: Solvents containing harmful chemicals are used for business-critical cleaning operations, but they are used at the expense of potentially harming workers and the environment. In this entry, we look at five options for reducing harmful chemicals during industrial parts cleaning operations — […]