Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Inspection – Available @ Ecolink Inc.

Liquid Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Inspection Discount Code = “April Blog” for 10% + FREE shipping Whether you perform dye penetrant or magnetic particle inspections, need testing equipment or chemical products, Ecolink wants to be your full-line Magnaflux supplier. We have supplied Daraclean aqueous cleaners for more than 15 years and the most complete line […]

Daraclean 212 – Ecolink Featured Product

Ecolink Inc is a long-time distributor of Daraclean Aqueous Cleaners. Daraclean 212 replaced Daraclean 211 and Daraclean 111CDS — 2 of 18 Daraclean products that were either replaced (renamed) or made obsolete.  Call 800 886-8240 or email info@ecolink.com to order hassle-free and save $. We guarantee a response within 24 hours. DARACLEAN® 212 is a […]

Daraclean 282 Conforms to BAC 5763

Ecolink Inc is a long-time distributor of Daraclean Aqueous Cleaners. Daraclean 282 replaced MagnSolve 11 and Daraclean 282NF — 2 of 18 Daraclean products that were either replaced (renamed) or made obsolete.  Call 800 886-8240 or email info@ecolink.com to order hassle-free and save $. We guarantee a response within 24 hours. DARACLEAN®282: Aqueous Alkaline Cleaner […]