Entries by Industrial Degreasers

What Are Some Eco-Friendly MEK Replacements?  

MEK, also known as methyl ethyl ketone, is a controversial chemical that remains in the mainstream of various industries. The ketone industrial solvent is considered effective and is commonly used in the manufacturing of plastics, in paint removers, and as a cleaning agent.   Though MEK has been one of the most reliable cleaning solvents for […]

Eco-Friendly Substitute for Toluene

Toluene is a hydrocarbon solvent utilized by various industries for different applications, mostly in paint thinners, permanent markers, various glues, oil refining, and the production of paints.   Though toluene has been occasionally recommended as an eco-friendlier and safer replacement for benzene, it is linked to multiple health and environmental risks, such as:  Serious respiratory […]

How to Avoid Using Benzene & Choose Greener Alternatives

Benzene is a hydrocarbon industrial solvent used in various industries, such as in the production of rubbers, lubricants, plastics, synthetic fibers, resins, and dyes. The chemical is also present in various paint products such as paint thinners, paint removers, and varnish removers. Though a widely used solvent in the U.S., companies, and industries are beginning […]

Eco-Friendly Substitutes for Benzene

Though benzene is commonly used by many industries, it is considered hazardous to humans and particularly harmful to the environment. Luckily, there are several eco-friendly substitutes for benzene on the market.   In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the risks associated with using benzene, and how you can find an environmentally conscious […]

Best Eco-Friendly Paint Solvents

The solvents in paint thinners dissolve the paint, making a thinner mixture that aids in the paint application process. While paint thinners are helpful, they also come with their downfalls.   Many of the solvents used in paint thinners are highly toxic, making them extremely harmful to workers and the environment. Luckily, there are several eco-friendly […]