Entries by Industrial Degreasers

The Cost of not Replacing Hazardous Cleaning Chemicals

Hazardous industrial cleaners have been around for decades. For most of their time on the market, the oldest of the cleaners have had a clandestine existence, being dispensed strictly to industrial users, being avoided by workers at every turn, and being acknowledged as toxicity incarnate. On the bright side, the solvents did a heck of […]

Medical Grade Isopropyl Alcohol: Factors That Impact Use

Medical grade isopropyl alcohol is a concentrated form of standard isopropyl alcohol. It has a purity of 99% or thereabouts, depending on a manufacturer’s formulation process. In medical settings, the product is generally used as a cleaner — particularly as a sterilizer — to cleanse skin for treatments and dressings, and to kill bacteria on […]

Choosing a Water Based Parts Washer: An Overview

The industrial cleaning market offers various types of water based parts washing systems, with spray cabinets, ultrasonic washers, immersion units, and drum top washers being primary models. The different models demonstrate that water-based cleaning equipment that’s perfect for cleaning some parts may not be so great for cleaning others. Let’s take a closer look. Evaluating […]

4 Financial Benefits of Solvent Recovery Systems

Solvent recovery systems allow solvent to be recycled and reused for cleaning operations. For many organizations, the simplest way to recover solvents is to use them in a pressurized parts washing system that performs solvent recovery automatically, such as by using condensation to separate the solvent from soils it collects during the cycle.   Below, […]

4 Ways to Reduce Industrial Chemical Disposal Costs

Most industrial chemicals have a four-stage life span: The solvent manufacturer creates the chemicals, the solvent user implements them, and then the user sends the chemicals to the waste trap. From there, a chemical waste disposal outfit removes the solvent from the trap. If it sounds simple, it is, but the scenario isn’t always free […]