Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Safer Industrial Chemicals: When OSHA Does the Talking

Each year, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) hands out millions of dollars in fines to organizations across the U.S. for safety violations in the workplace. Among the possible violations is the use of toxic chemicals, or the failure to implement proper safety measures when using dangerous chemicals. OSHA Chemical Safety Cases  When we […]

TCE Facts: How TCE Damages Health

Thousands of chemical injury lawsuits are filed every year against employers in the U.S. In some cases, the plaintiff walks away with a multi-million dollar settlement, but it’s hard to be envious of the person. When this level of compensation is awarded, the plaintiff typically has chronic injuries that reduce quality of life, permanently reduce […]

Choosing a TCE Replacement Chemical

The chemical compound trichloroethylene (TCE) is a halocarbon whose long history as an industrial solvent is gradually coming to an end. The popular solvent isn’t officially on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Lists of Lists, but it seems to be well on its way there. According to ChemInfo — a provider of equipment, control systems, […]

Replacing CRC Degreaser With Ecolink: What You Need to Know

Headquartered in Warminster, Pennsylvania, CRC® Industries is a longtime global manufacturer and supplier of industrial chemical solutions for maintenance and repair operations on marine, electrical, industrial, automotive, and aviation equipment. Over the years, the company has developed some impressive degreasers that are used across the globe. That may sound like a good thing, but it […]

Water Based Degreasers Vs. Solvent Based: 4 Benefits

Degreasers are some of the most commonly used industrial cleaners in the world. Until machines stop needing grease for lubrication and other purposes, the supply and demand for industrial strength degreasers will remain high. But that doesn’t mean you’re locked into using one of the two basic degreaser formulations: water based or solvent based. If […]