(A) Flammable contact cleaner aerosol | 0318-12 | - Economical
- fast-drying
- plastic safe
- flammable contact cleaner aerosol
- Safer alternative for Hexane and Heptane-based aerosols
| 13° F | | ELECTRON® (A) High dielectric aerosol solvent-degreaser | 365-1 | - High dielectric (46,000 Volts)
- aerosol solvent-degreaser with numerous military and commercial
- OEM approvals
| 110° F | | | | | | | POSITRON (A) High dielectric aerosol solvent-degreaser | 696-1 | - High purity dielectric solvent (48,000 volts)
- aerosol package for critical component cleaning
| 142° F | | Aqueous solutions include: cleaners, conversion coatings, corrosion inhibitors, lubricants, multi-purpose, scale removal and strippers (photoresistant and rust) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Cleaner | Sonic Klean: Non-silicated, liquid multi-metal cleaner for tank applications | SK-5, SK-55 | Sonic Klean: Non-silicated, liquid multi-metal cleaner for tank applications. Sonic Klean was formulated as a heavy duty cleaner to provide improved removal of particulates and organics while providing reduced residues, and fast rinsing. | 9.5 – 10.5 | Cleaner | Sonic Klean SG: Neutral pH liquid cleaner for semiconductor Industries | SK-SG-5, SK-SG-55 | Sonic Klean SG: Neutral pH liquid cleaner for semiconductor Industries. Sonic Klean SG is a new bread of Environmentally Friendly neutral pH Cleaners with No Solvents, derived from plant based surfactants which are far more biodegradable then traditional surfactants and the entire formulation is 100% built on DfE (US EPA Designed for Environment listed Raw Materials). | 7.5 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Multi Purpose | RIP-TIDE, a Simple Green® Alternative | 0298-1, 0298-5, 0298-55 | RIP-TIDE is a unique aqueous cleaner, bio-based detergent and solvent with low-toxicity. | 9 – 10 | Multi Purpose | S-34 NG, a Simple Green® Alternative | 214-1, 214-4, 214-5, 209-55 | S-34 NG is a nuclear power grade multi-purpose water-based cleaner with low VOC content, certified to SCAQMD exempt solutions | 11-12 | Multi Purpose | SuperGreen® All Purpose, a Simple Green® Alternative | SGAP-5, SGAP-55 | SuperGreen® All-purpose cleaner. Compare to Simple Green® designed to remove dirt, grease, and oil. As defined under Sara 311, 312 and 313, SuperGreen® contains no known hazardous materials and will not harm sewage treatment micro-organisms. | 7.5 | Multi Purpose | SuperGreen® Concentrate, a Simple Green® Alternative | SGC-5, SGC-55 | SuperGreen® concentrate compares to Simple Green® designed to remove dirt, grease, and oil. As defined under Sara 311, 312 and 313, SuperGreen® contains no known hazardous materials and will not harm sewage treatment micro-organisms. | 7.5 | Multi Purpose | SuperGreen® Industrial a Simple Green® Alternative | SGI-5, SGI-55 | SuperGreen® industrial strength compares to Simple Green® designed to remove dirt, grease, and oil. As defined under Sara 311, 312 and 313, SuperGreen® contains no known hazardous materials and will not harm sewage treatment micro-organisms. | 9.4 | Multi Purpose | SuperGreen® Original, a Simple Green® Alternative | SGO-5, SGO-55 | SuperGreen® Original compares to Simple Green® designed to remove dirt, grease, and oil. As defined under Sara 311, 312 and 313, SuperGreen® contains no known hazardous materials and will not harm sewage treatment micro-organisms. | 9.8 | Multi Purpose | SuperGreen® Precision, Simple Green® Alternative | SGP-5, SGP-55 | SuperGreen® Precision is a multi-metal alkaline aqueous cleaner which is highly effective, cost efficient and biodegradable. Precision contains no VOC’s and is safe to use. SuperGreen® is designed to remove soils, grease, shop oils, inks, carbonaceous deposits, smut, metalworking fluids, drawing, buffing, lapping compounds, and burned on waxes/oils. | 13 | | | | | 1 | | | | | | Stripper | Rustripper derusts, strips and cleans ferrous metals. An Oakite® Ruststripper® drop in replacement | RS-40, RS-400 | Rustripper is specially formulated for alkaline derusting and descaling of ferrous metals. Rustripper is highly alkaline, chelated compound for derusting, stripping and cleaning of ferrous metals. An Oakite® Ruststripper® drop in replacement. Ruststripper meets the cleaning requirements of federal specification TT-C-490C, Method V. | 13+ | Solvent solutions include: degreasers/parts washing, flux removers, paint & epoxy strippers and wipe applications | BULLDOG Maximum Effectiveness Degreaser | Spray & wipe,dip, immersion,pressure washing,aqueous parts washers. | - Extremely aggressive
- Super concentrated
- Dilute up to 100:1
| None | 105 gm/l | DARACLEAN Aqueous Cleaners | Multi-line high-tech, engineered aqueous cleaners. | - Aerospace approvals
- Ecolink represents the entire Daraclean product line
| None | Contact Ecolink for information on specific Daraclean products | HEAVYWEIGHT Non-Butyl Industrial Detergent | Spray & wipe, dip, immersion, pressure washing and steam cleaning. | - Rust inhibited to protect ferrous metal
- Aggressive on wide range of soils
- Non toxic
- Dilute up to 60:1
| None | 73 gm/l | OCC Oxygen Cleaning Compound | Critical oxygen and compressed gas system cleaning. | - Compatible with gaseous and liquid oxygen
- No organic solvents
- No regulated compounds
- Compatible with all metals
| None | 0 gm/l | PINNACLE Neutral pH Degreaser | Pressure washing.Automatic floor scrubbers.Spray & wipe. | - Dilutes effectively up to 60:1
- Completely VOC compliant
- Safe on most substrates
- Non toxic
| None | 2 gm/l | RIP-TIDE Aqueous Solvent | Dip, immersion.Pressure washing.Tank cleaning.Water based paint cleanup. | - Plastic safe
- Low odor
- Non toxic
- Dilute up to 30:1
| 183° FTCC | 51 gm/l | S-34 NG Cleaner – Nuclear Grade | Spray & wipe.Dip, immersion.Aqueous parts washers. | - Meets VOC requirements
- Agressive on a wide range of soils
- Dilute up to 60:1
| None to Boil | 25 gm/l | 141b Alternatives | Environmentally Preferred Solvens | Specialty Solvents | Commodity Solvents AEROKLEEN Environmentally Preferred Aviation Solvent | Polysulfide sealant remover. Removes aviation hydraulic fluid. Wheel and brake cleaner. | - Safe on all metals
- Aerospace NESHAPS compliant
- No EPA hazardous ingredients
- Conforms to numerous MIL & aviation specs
| 200° F | 1090 gm/l | ECC Environmentally Preferred Contact Cleaner | Easily removes soils from non-energized equipment or mechanical components. | - Economical
- Extremely low toxicity
- Safe on most plastics
- Dries instantly.
| Extremely flammable | 698 gm/l | ECC (A) Environmentally Preferred Contact Cleaner, Aerosol | Easily removes soils from non-energized equipment or mechanical components. | - Odorless
- Residue free
- Rapid evaporation rate
- No ozone depleting substances
| Extremely flammable | 582 gm/l | ECOLINK 2005 (A) Non-flammable Contact Cleaner | Use on metal parts for rapid removal of moderate to heavy organic and inorganic soils. | - Non-flammable
- Cleans many soil types
- Dries quickly
- No residue
| Non-flammable | 49 gm/l | ECOLINK 3005 (A) Ultra High Purity Contact and Precision Parts Cleaner | Electrical maintenance applications, light and medium duty cleaning of a wide variety of soils. | - Non-flammable
- Fully evaporative
- Zero VOC content
- Contains NO HCFC 141b or CFC-113
- Dries quickly, leaving no residue
| None | 0 gm/l | PREPTONE Low VOC Handwipe Solvent | Fast evaporating precision cleaning blend, VOC compliant. | - Cleans like MEK
- Meets all VOC regs
- Removes tough soils
- Moderate price
| 0° FTCC | 79 gm/l | SAFE STRIP Environmentally Preferred Paint Remover | Removes enamel, varnish, acrylic and other paints,Paint-gun andresin cleanup. | - Low toxicity
- Cost effective
- High flashpoint
- Recyclable
| 190° FTCC | 970 gm/l | HYPERSOLVE™ TRIAGEN (A) Metal Cleaner, Degreaser & Flux Remover | Vapor degreasing, Electronic & precision cleaning of a variety of contaminants and substrates.Spot maintenance. Aerosol degreasing. General metals cleaning. | - Non- flammable
- Use in existingequipment
- Fast drying
- Cleans like TCA
| None | 1322 gm/l | 141b Alternatives | Environmentally Preferred Solvents | Aqueous Cleaners | Commodity Solvents PEN-T-10 (A) Aerosol Penetrant Cleaner | Metal protector,Moisture displacement and light lubricant. | - Non-flammable
- No methylene chloride
- Very economical
| Non-flammable (flame extension test) | 80 gm/l | SAFE STRIP-G Environmentally Preferred Coatings Remover – Gel | Gasket removal.Paint & Coating removal.Wood refinishing. | - Brush on – stays put
- High flashpoint
- Excellent coverage
| > 200° F | 969 gm/l | 141b Alternatives | Environmentally Preferred Solvents | Aqueous Cleaners | Specialty Solvents |