At Ecolink we believe there is no “silver bullet” replacement for the phase out of HCFC-141b. Therefore, we offer a broad range of 141b alternatives for your consideration — each with pros and cons. We present a summary of these options below.
Each of these Ecolink products may playa role in your HCFC-141b replacement strategy. We recommend consulting with Ecolink regarding your operations and applications before selecting an environmentally-preferred alternative.
In addition to the products shown below, we have several new technologies planned for release during 2001. Please contact us to discuss these Ecolink products and how they can be used to replace HCFC-141b.
Environmentally Preferred Contact |
Available in aerosol, Dries instantly, Inexpensive, Extremely low toxicity, Safe on most plastics |
Extremely flammable, VOC reportable |
Ultra High Purity Contact and Precision Parts Cleaner |
Non-flammable, fully evaporative, zero VOC content, contains NO HCFC 141b or CFC-113, dries quickly, leaving no residue |
Ultra-High Purity Dielectric |
Moderately fast drying, low residue, low odor, excellent tox profile, non-hazardous |
Dries more slowly than 141b, VOC reportable, May require assisted drying |
Low VOC Handwipe Solvent |
Dries instantly, Excellent solvency, Very low VOC |
Extremely flammable |
High Purity d-Limonene Solvent |
Extremely aggressive, moderately fast drying |
Dries more slowly than 141b, VOC reportable, May require assisted drying |
Quick-Dry Critical Handwipe Solvent |
Fast drying, low toxicity, Good solvency, Safe on most plastics |
Flashpoint of 105 deg F, VOC reportable |
HYPERSOLVE™ TRIAGEN (A) Metal Cleaner, Degreaser & |
Non- flammable aerosol, Fast drying, Cleans like 141b |
SNAP Status uncertain, Tox profile similar to TCE |