What Is Reagent Grade Alcohol?

What Is Reagent Grade Alcohol?

There are several different grades of alcohol including IPA, tech grade, and industrial grade, but what is reagent grade alcohol? Reagent grade alcohol is a very strong grade of denatured alcohol that is composed of ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, and methyl alcohol. The...
Is Acetone The Same As MEK?

Is Acetone The Same As MEK?

The simple answer to the question, Is acetone the same as MEK, is no. While Acetone and MEK can be used for some of the same purposes, they are in fact two different chemical substances. It is also important to understand the differences between acetone and MEK when...
What Is MEK Used For

What Is MEK Used For

What is MEK used for and is it the right chemical for your needs? MEK is an extremely versatile chemical that is used in anything and everything including cleaning, degreasing, oil extraction, indirect food additives, lacquers, varnishes, inks, thinning agents, and so...
Has MEK Been Banned?

Has MEK Been Banned?

MEK is a popular chemical solvent used across several industries including ink, varnishes, and paint, but has MEK been banned? The answer is no. MEK, while it can be hazardous when not used properly, is not considered to present a considerable enough threat to the...
Where To Shop Surfactants Online

Where To Shop Surfactants Online

Surfactants are widely used in the production of cleaning products for their ability to lower surface tension, but can you shop surfactants online? The answer is yes, Ecolink not only makes it easy to shop surfactants online, but you can rest easy knowing you are...