Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Fracking Chemical Suppliers

What are common fracking chemicals and why is it important to work with reliable fracking chemical suppliers? Fracking is a method of crude oil extraction in which chemicals and water  are shot into rock formations at high pressure, in order to obtain the oils inside them. Fracking fluid is a mixture of chemicals, water, and […]

CA compliant IPA

What is CA compliant IPA? The state of california has certain requirements and restrictions that various chemicals and solvents must comply with. These restrictions have been put in place on certain chemicals to protect the environment and reduce the use of damaging VOCs that cause air pollution. While California has restricted the use of denatured […]

Isopar L Suppliers

Choosing reliablable, and knowledgeable isopar L suppliers is important for many reasons.  Isopar L is a versatile industrial solvent, and users want to be sure they are receiving a high quality chemical, to ensure safety and proper function. Isopar L is widely sought after for many industrial applications as it has a relatively low toxicity […]

What Are Ink Solvents and their Components?

In the world of ink, you mainly have two choices: water-based ink or oil-based ink. The term ink solvent refers to the ink containing an oil-based solution. This ink is a relatively inexpensive type of ink that is compatible with inkjet printers. An attribute of solvent inks is that it is waterproof, thus making it […]

Ink Solvent and Eco-Solvent Ink Differences

First, let us start off by explaining what eco-solvent ink is and some of its benefits. Eco-solvent ink is an oil-based ink, but what sets it apart from other solvent inks is that it is made from ether extracts taken from refined mineral oil. These inks are odorless due to the fact that their colors […]