Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Ecolink Presented the Atlanta Marketer of the Year “Amy” Award for 2012 SEO Marketing

Ecolink is proud to announce the company’s winning of the prestigious “AMY” Award within their selected category for SEO Marketing. The AMY Awards, presented by AMA Atlanta, is a creative award presented to those companies that have successfully constructed innovative strategies with consistently outstanding results. The award is an annual recognition of both companies and […]

Industrial Degreasers – Getting Eco-Friendly Cleaning Solutions

Several common cleaning products that can be found in homes and are purchased by unsuspecting people contain hazardous chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that emit smog-forming chemicals and can be harmful to anyone who comes in contact with the noxious gas. All-purpose cleaners and industrial degreasers, as well as specialty products can pollute indoor […]

Degreasing Solvents – Industrial Uses

Degreasing solvents are generally used to prepare a part for specialized operations, such as painting. The degreasing solvent dissolves the contaminants found in machining fluids on the part. The solvent acts as a cleaning agent and is applied directly to the surface of the part needing to be cleaned. Application usually includes a spraying, brushing, […]