Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Alternative Cleaners for TCE – Why Switch?

TCE, which is the acronym used for Trichloroethylene, has been classified as a Category Two Carcinogen. The risk phase associated with a Category Two Carcinogen reads as follows: “R-45 Risk Phase – May Cause Cancer. “ If your industrial business happens to be using TCE currently, and you are only now becoming aware of its […]

Precision Cleaners – Why Customization Matters

Most industrial businesses say they carry “precision cleaners,” but what exactly does precision cleaners mean for their specific cleaning and degreasing needs? Most industrial companies have numerous different types of parts, metals, materials, components, and products, all of which need a specific type of cleaning and degreasing agent. For example, an industrial businesses may have […]

Aerosol Solvents: Features & Benefits

Today’s aerosol solvents are head and shoulders above the solvents of just twenty years ago. Improvements have been made to many aerosols that have eliminated the toxic nature of its ingredients. When businesses and citizens were made of aware of the alarming hazardous ingredients of aerosol cans, even the simple aerosol bottle sprays found in […]