Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Is Your Company Aware of the TURA Chemical List?

When we talk about the deleterious effects that toxic industrial cleaners can have on humans and the environment, we often reference the Environmental Protection Agency’s List of Lists — a list of chemicals whose regulation or ban is enforced by the federal government. But state governments haven’t been sitting idly by while the EPA does […]

How To Minimize Solvent Loss When Cleaning a Vapor Degreaser

Today we are providing operating advice for vapor degreasing equipment to help you save solvent and by extension, money! In order to reduce solvent loss when starting up the operating machine, activate the cooling system, followed by checking the controls. Next, adjust solvent levels and activate heaters. When a stable vapor blanket has been established, […]

Using Zero VOC Cleaning Solvents: An Overview

If you enter an industrial work environment where chemical solvents are in use, you might get a strong whiff of something that smells like a cross between manmade chemicals and highly odoriferous natural substances. There’s a good chance that what you smell is a mixture of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are naturally occurring or […]

Sustainable Chemical Management: The Rise of Green Chemistry

Green chemistry, also known as sustainable chemistry, is a discipline of chemistry that focuses on reducing the usage and production of environmentally dangerous substances in order to decrease the chemical industry’s impact on the environment.   Green Chemistry and Solvents  When green chemistry is applied to the formulation and utilization of industrial solvents, sustainable chemical management […]

Professional Degreasers Vs. Consumer Degreasers: What’s The Difference?

All types of chemical degreasers have one thing in common: They are chemically formulated to break up accumulations of grease and similar substances. Beyond this central commonality, however, degreasers can differ widely, especially when it comes to comparing professional degreasers that are designed for commercial and industrial use to consumer degreasers that are designed for […]