Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Replacing nPB: Choosing a Replacement in 4 Steps

Since the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other regulatory agencies on the federal, state, and municipal level have increasingly focused on regulating the use of commercial and industrial solvents that are hazardous to humans and/or the environment. nPB (a.k.a. 1-bromopropane and n-propyl bromide) is a perfect example of […]

Solvents for Cleaning Parts: The Case for Aerosol Solvents

We typically associate the term “aerosol” with liquid that’s compressed in a spray can that emits a fine mist when we press a button on top of the can. However, nature and not humans created the first aerosols. Technically, an aerosol is a “colloidal system of solid or liquid particles in a gas” (Wikipedia). For […]

How to Replace NPB Aerosols Without Losing Productivity

Also known as 1-Bromopane and n-propyl bromide, nPB is a chemical compound that has been used increasingly for the past 20 years as a solvent for industrial work processes, particularly: aerosol glue applications, asphalt production, synthetic fiber production, and degreasing. However, since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a final rule that adds nPB to […]

Reducing Exposure to VOC Chemicals: 4 Strategies

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are chemical compounds that have a high vapor pressure at normal room temperature (roughly 72 degrees). Their high vapor pressure results from their low boiling points, which accounts for their swift transition from liquid to vapor, and gives them their “volatile” nature. VOCs may be organic — a term we typically […]

Welcome to Anaheim or Bust!

Let’s Get Ready to Rumble! Welcome to the kick-off for “Anaheim or Bust!” The first ever social media competition between Georgia DECA chapters with rewards totaling $25,000. Ecolink is proud to sponsor this event in honor of our company’s 25th anniversary. Statistics will tell you that not many businesses make it to 25 years, so we […]