Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Electron: An Eco Friendly Solvent for Cleaning Turbines

Turbines are found in various types of equipment, from boats that run on steam to generators that produce electricity by harnessing wind power. Regardless of the application, turbines work in the same fashion, serving as rotary mechanical devices that “extract energy from a fluid flow and converts it into useful work” (Wikipedia). Turbines must also […]

A Worker’s Guide for Solvents in the Workplace

Overview No matter where you or many other Americans work, you are probably being exposed to solvents. Solvents are used in various capacities, like in industrial, commercial, and non-residential setting, and when they become obsolete or unable to be used for their intended purpose, they will most likely become hazardous. It is up to you […]

Replacing CRC Lubricant With Ecolink: What You Need to Know

Started in 1958 and Headquartered in Warminster, Pennsylvania, CRC® Industries is a global manufacturer and supplier of industrial chemical solutions for maintenance and repair operations on marine, electrical, industrial, automotive, and aviation equipment. In this entry, we take a look at one of CRC’s most popular product lines for general equipment maintenance: CRC lubricant — […]

How can Solvent Recycling Save Money?

Solvent recycling — also known as “solvent recovery” — is the process of eliminating solvent by taking used solvent and separating it from soils it removes during the cleaning process. Can solvent recycling save money? This is a question organizations often ask before they invest in a recyclable solvent or a parts washing system that […]