Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Industrial Rust Removal: Solvent vs. Manual Removal

We often think of rust (a.k.a. iron oxide) as primarily affecting iron alloys that are subjected to the elements, particularly oxygen and water. Car frames, sheet metal, and metal fixtures on objects such as telephone poles are prime examples of products that reinforce the view. However, even equipment that’s never been outdoors can rust when […]

Hot Tank Parts Washers: Commonly Asked Questions

An industrial parts washer is a significant investment. Consequently, first-time buyers often have questions concerning which kind of parts washing system they should target: a hot tank parts washer or a cold tank parts washer. The answer depends on the parts washing needs and goals of the user. In this entry, we focus on commonly […]

Gun Shop Parts Solvents: Properties for Perfect Gun Cleaning

In action movies, we see guns of all kinds firing round after round, as if the pistols and rifles were practically indestructible and incapable of failing. But this perception is far from the truth. Unlike the black powder rifles and firearms of yesteryear, today’s cutting edge firearms are essentially compact machines filled with hundreds of […]

Choosing Tool Parts Cleaners: A 5-Step Checklist

In industrial settings, tool parts cleaners are one of the most-used classes of cleaning solvents. Consequently, the number of solvents marketed as tool part cleaners is practically endless. You could never evaluate them all and make an educated selection within a reasonable timeframe. Consequently, it’s a good idea to start your search by creating a […]

IPA Solvent Uses: 4 Examples of Industrial Use

Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) has a wide variety of uses, from serving as a disinfectant for minor wounds to cleaning a variety of objects and surfaces in industrial settings. In this entry, we focus on the latter area of use, providing three examples of IPA solvent uses in industrial settings. The class of IPA we’re discussing […]