MEK and Heptane in Healthcare Methyl Ethyl Ketone and Heptane are both solvents that are used most often in industrial manufacturing and cleaning respectively. Shared Applications MEK and Heptane have several shared applications. They are both found in adhesives,...
Anyone who has ever read nutrition labels knows that sometimes our food is full of hard to pronounce chemicals. Most of them are deemed “safe” as the Food and Drug Administration would say, however a few of these chemicals have made scientists and consumers concerned....
What is Glycol TPM? Tripropylene Glycol Methyl Ether, or Glycol TPM is a mixture of organic compounds that is often utilized in industrial or laboratory solvents for a variety of applications. Glycol TPM is often used in applications that require low viscosity,...
What is Lacquer Thinner #11? Lacquer Thinner #11 is a mixture of hydrocarbons Toluene, Methanol, and Acetone. Lacquer Thinner #11 is an Ecolink product that features all three of the consistent chemicals found in most lacquer thinner, therefore it functions...
A tail solvent is a slow-evaporating solvent that enables paint to evaporate slowly and allows the substance to flow smoothly. A tail solvent is a solvent added in small amounts to organic coating, ink, or paint formulas. Tail solvents are often less volatile than...