Lacquer Thinner #48 – 55 Gallon Drum

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SKU: E0520-55 Category:

Lacquer Thinner #48 – 55 Gallon Drum

Lacquer Thinner #48 is utilized to remove paint and lacquer stains from household objects.

$ 517.88


Lacquer Thinner #48 - 55 Gallon Drum

Lacquer Thinner #48 is a mixture of hydrocarbon solvents composed of Toulene, Isopropyl Alcohol 99%, Acetone, MEK, and Glycol Ether EB. Lacquer Thinner #48 is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor.


Lacquer Thinner #48 Benefits

  • High solvency.
  • Medium drying.
  • Removes tough stains.
  • Highly soluble.

Lacquer Thinner #48 Applications

  • Like similar lacquer thinners, Lacquer Thinner #48 is utilized to remove paint and lacquer stains from household objects.
  • It is best used in small amounts, as larger quantities become increasingly toxic.
  • Lacquer thinner is able to remove paint from clothes and fabrics. This is especially effective if the fabric is washed immediately after stain removal.
  • Lacquer thinner is useful in removing tar and other thicker stains, but requires larger quantities than simple paint removal.

Additional Product Information


  • Weight: 411 lbs
  • Dimensions: 25 x 25 x 36
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