
What are the Types of Industrial Pollution?

water pollutionUnfortunately, there are so many different types of industrial pollutants, and so many ways that these pollutants are released into the air, it makes it very hard for a lot of businesses to completely regulate themselves to ensure it is one hundred percent low emissions. The consequence though, is industrial pollutions are released in some manner, and the fact that a majority of businesses have the described problem, and that it has been going on for a while, industrial pollutions have caused a considerable alarm and has become a serious threat. Another problem that exists, believe it or not, is that some industrial companies do not even realize that they are emitting pollutants in the air, and that mostly has to do with how many different ways industrial parts, components, products, and materials are used, and as they are used they emit toxins. The following information will provide the several different types of industrial pollutions that exist, and the factors that induce them to become emitted into the air.

  • Carbon Monoxide: This is a colorless and odorless toxic gas that becomes produced by the incomplete combustion of carbon fuels.
  • The burning of fossil fuels: This produces roughly three quarters of all man made carbon dioxide emissions. Because Carbon Dioxide cannot be absorbed by our surrounding environment, the addition of carbon based fuel emissions is compounding the problem of too much CO2 being released in the atmosphere.
  • Sulfur Oxides: These poisonous gases are a result of fuel combustion, and negatively affect human health, along with that of the environment. SO2 is the main cause of acid rain.
  • industrial pollutionNitrous Oxides: These are reactive greenhouse gases that stem from carbon based fuel combustion, and are one of the primary contributors to the formation of acid rain. NO2 creates highly acidic areas, which kills off plant and animal life.
  • Particulate Matter: this is one of the more significant human health hazards, because it penetrates lung tissue and can consequently lead to cancerous agents in the lungs, or possibly even Tuberculosis.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds: If you have been following the Ecolink blogs, then you have probably seen VOCs mentioned more than once. This is a term that refers to the volatility of organic compounds from manufacturing operations and processes that escape into the air in a gaseous state. VOCs create both hazardous indoor and outdoor toxins.

Several other types of industrial pollutants exist, but the ones listed above are the most abundant. Fortunately, industrial businesses have companies like Ecolink at their disposal, which researches, defines, and makes available the names of harmful industrial pollutions, and the reasons why these pollutants need to be eliminated. Ecolink also provides ideas and methods for transitioning to eco friendly, green alternative chemical solutions – from which all industrial companies can benefit, saving time, energy, money and the environment.