Entries by Industrial Degreasers

What Is The Difference Between Soft Wash And Power Wash? 

What is the difference between soft wash and power wash? Understanding the difference between soft wash and power wash can be best explained when you consider the reasons soft washing was developed. Power washing, using portable electric pump machinery and water was developed a great many years ago to provide much more intensive and heightened […]

The Benefits of EcoCleanse

Looking for Exterior Cleaning Products?  If you have been searching for a new exterior cleaning product, consider EcoCleanse! EcoCleanse is an alkaline cleaning solution that effectively eliminates carbon, oil, oxidation, and other types of dirt and debris from exterior surfaces such as granite, concrete, brick, limestone, roofs, siding, and much more. Its primary ingredient is […]

What Is Soft Washing? 

What is soft washing?  Popular theories suggest that about 25  years ago the soft washing practice was developed as an alternative to power washing.  In soft washing bleach and water are combined with compound surfactants, algaecides, and residual inhibitors to produce the soft washing solutions. These solutions are then used in conjunction with low-pressure washing […]

What Industries Use Degreasers? 

What industries use degreasers? A great many industries use degreasers to assist them with the cleaning of components and individual parts, among other uses.  The aeronautical industry is widely known to use degreasers to maintain cleanliness and ensure parts continue to operate properly, to maintain the safety of flight components. Regular degreasing is a vital […]

Isopropyl Alcohol For Cleaning 

What are the benefits of using Isopropyl alcohol for cleaning? Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA) is widely known throughout domestic, commercial, and industrial markets as a superior and cost-effective solution for cleaning. Many, if not most industrial facilities keep a sufficient supply of Isopropyl Alcohol for cleaning, on hand to clean and degrease equipment. You can also […]