Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Why Is There Biofilm in Cooling Towers?

If you’ve ever been around a natural body of water during warm weather, you may have observed a slimy layer of scum accumulating on the surface of rocks or other built structures. This slimy green layer is made up of bacteria, fungi, and algae, and is referred to as biofilm.  Biological material can accumulate easily […]

What Are Some Water Cooling Anti-Corrosion Additives?

One of the biggest problems that water cooling systems can face is corrosion, which occurs when water interacts with the metals in the structure and causes it to deteriorate. The most common example is rust, which is the result of water oxidizing iron. Cooling water systems, especially those with large amounts of iron, can be […]

What Is Cooling Water Biocide?

Cooling water systems are often dependent on large quantities of water, often obtained from natural sources. This means that all sorts of microorganisms may be found and can build up to cause harmful biofouling. This can have drastic effects on the flow of water, and decrease the efficiency of cooling by insulating the structures intended […]

Examples of Cooling Water Additives

Water cooling systems, like any space that contains a lot of water, are susceptible to many types of issues. Just as fish tanks require frequent filtration and chemical additives to maintain stable conditions, and make sure the fish remain healthy, cooling water requires treatment to prevent living creatures from growing.  There are hundreds of chemical […]

Mithuna’s Internship Experience

This completes my journey at Ecolink as an intern. It has been a journey of growth and learning, which I assume is the case for every one that went through it with me. Coming into this internship, I knew how to write scientific papers that earns me an A in my college classes. I also […]