The solvents in paint thinners dissolve the paint, making a thinner mixture that aids in the paint application process. While paint thinners are helpful, they also come with their downfalls. Many of the solvents used in paint thinners are highly toxic, making them...
Paint removers are some of the most utilized chemicals by various industries, as they are used to strip paints and coatings from surfaces. These chemicals are usually aggressive, as they need to be able to penetrate the layers of paint to cause them to swell, which...
Methyl ethyl ketone, also known as MEK and 2-butanone, is a nonpolar, organic solvent traditionally utilized as a plastic welding agent and in the manufacturing of various materials, including: Plastics Synthetic rubbers Resins Textiles Paraffin wax Gums ...
Heat exchangers are used in industrial settings to transfer heat away from a system, usually by pumping it through a set of coils or membranes surrounded by natural water. Unfortunately, heat exchangers are susceptible to fouling, which is when minerals or organic...
If you’ve ever walked outside on a hot day or exercised hard enough to feel warm, then you are familiar with the body’s natural tendency to sweat. By releasing hot water from your body in the form of sweat, your body is attempting to decrease your heightened body...