Entries by Industrial Degreasers

N-propyl Bromide Health Effects: The Financial Impact for Companies

When a company that uses n-propyl bromide (a.k.a. 1-bromopropane and nPB) as a cleaning solvent decides to implement an n-propyl bromide replacement solution, there’s usually a very good reason why, as N-propyl bromide works wonderfully for its intended applications. For many companies, that “good reason” is n-propyl bromide health effects that harm workers who apply […]

TCE Restrictions: What They are and Why They Matter

Trichloroethylene — also known as TCE — is a halocarbon commonly used as an industrial degreasing solvent by companies worldwide. At one time, the chemical was even used as an anesthetic and an inhaled obstetrical analgesic. However, like many early generation halocarbons, TCE was eventually found to have a veritable powder keg of negative effects […]

Woodville Tompkins High School – Representing Electron! Go Wolverines!

Welcome to Woodville Tompkins High School’s Promotional Page! #AnaheimorBust-Woodville Woodville Tompkins High School, located in Chatham County, currently boasts a DECA chapter of 35 students! Represented by Ecolink Ambassador Rhace Smith, who will be cheering them on during the course of our competition, “Anaheim or Bust!”. This school is 1 of 19 competing for the grand prize […]

What is Considered Low VOC?

If you open a canister of traditional cleaning solvent, you might notice a strong, earthy, chemical smell that emanates from the solvent within. The aroma may even make make you wince, feel as if you had a bad sinus infection, and make it harder to breathe for a few hours. If you had to make […]