
Eco Friendly Industrial Cleaning Chemicals

As frightening as the concept is today, there was a time when little research was applied to finding out whether chemical usage as it pertains to cleaning solvents and degreasing solutions used on metals and specific materials were harmful to those using the chemicals and to the environment. Thankfully, more scientists are making education regarding chemical compounds used as cleaning agents a priority. This is because the alarming rate of people who were exposed to the chemical agents were either becoming sick, or worse, contracting cancer cells. Recent research has revealed that many industrial cleaning products are, in fact, dangerous when coming in contact with the users skin, inhaled, or prolonged exposure.

This alarming information has caused a scare to companies who use industrial cleaning products, and to employees who use them on a daily basis. Because the word is out on the dangers to these toxic chemical found in cleaning solutions, companies such as Ecolink have made it a priority to research, inform, introduce, and offer eco friendly industrial cleaning chemicals. Workers should be informed of the types of chemicals they are exposing themselves to, and whether they are hazardous. Moreover, if they are indeed hazardous, these workers have the right to seek out eco friendly industrial cleaning solutions. If you are a business owner or decision maker, it is imperative to offer your employees green alternatives and eco friendly industrial cleaning chemicals.

Companies would do well to follow suit, and begin practices that Ecolink has been conducting for years now – providing information on green alternatives and offering eco friendly industrial cleaning solutions to the public. Concerning any industry involved in the use of industrial cleaning solvents and degreasers, it is the right of the workers to be informed of, and demand the usage of eco friendly industrial cleaning chemicals. Ecolink is more than happy to provide this information, along with introducing green alternatives to improve safety.

Removing Carbon Deposits from Stator Bars, Stator Motors

Stator bar insulation failures

Stator bar insulation failures often occur as a result of carbon deposits. If a failure occurs while in service it can cause extensive collateral damage to the generator stator core and field, which can extend a forced outage several months. The severe impact of a winding or stator insulation failure on generator availability demonstrates the importance of a thorough, routine leak testing and repair plan. Removing carbon deposits is a bigger job than can be handled by conventional contact cleaners and rags. Industrial degreasers such as Ecolink’s flagship products, Electron and Positron, have been in use for this very application for over 20 years. Approved and in use by Siemens, General Electric and Alstom, these solvent degreasers deliver incredible cleaning performance while also easy to work with including high flash point (above 140°F), high dielectric strength (46,000 volts) and no surface leakage of current in immediate residue tests. More importantly they are very cost-effective saving money on inbound shipping, freight and outbound disposal costs.

Stator Rewinds

Typical field service scope for a stator rewind installation will include:

  1. Stator core preparation, including cleaning, repairs to interlaminar insulation, testing and re-painting. (Some scopes may include a core restack. In other cases, age of the unit or testing results may indicate problems requiring a core replacement.)
  2. Installation of upgraded end winding support system (Certain fossil units).
  3. Installation of new surge and bus rings ( may include provisions for a future Main-Neutral Interchange).
  4. Installation of stator bars, RTDs and wedging and blocking system and testing of individual coils or groups of coils at specified points in the installation.
  5. Brazing and circuit connections
  6. Testing of the completed winding
  7. Painting and miscellaneous finishing details

Special Offer for Stator Bar, Stator Motor Maintenance

Ecolink Inc. is offering a 15% discount for any cleaner degreasers, degreaser chemicals or industrial solvent manufactured or distributed by Ecolink Inc.

We offer numerous alternatives to:

  • Chemtronics
  • Petroferm Inc.
  • CRC Industries
  • Safety Kleen
  • Inland Technologies
  • ZEP
  • LPS Laboratories

Call 800 886-8240 or email to discuss your current use of any of these or other manufacturer’s brand to switch and start saving. With over 200 products to choose from, including several new formulations not yet listed on the website, we feel certain we can expand upon the savings and safety improvements enjoyed for nearly 20 years. Chemist owned and operated, we offer guaranteed FREE samples, including FREE freight, to evaluate for a RISK-FREE evaluation.