Entries by Industrial Degreasers

Why Working With a Custom Chemical Company Makes Sense

Toll blending, toll manufacturing, or custom mixing; whatever you choose to call it, the discipline of creating solvents that have a custom chemical formulation is an essential service for many industrial and commercial solvent users. What if your company or organization isn’t among them? Could acquiring solvents from a custom chemical company still offer benefits? […]

Replacing nPB: Choosing a Replacement in 4 Steps

Since the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other regulatory agencies on the federal, state, and municipal level have increasingly focused on regulating the use of commercial and industrial solvents that are hazardous to humans and/or the environment. nPB (a.k.a. 1-bromopropane and n-propyl bromide) is a perfect example of […]

Solvents for Cleaning Parts: The Case for Aerosol Solvents

We typically associate the term “aerosol” with liquid that’s compressed in a spray can that emits a fine mist when we press a button on top of the can. However, nature and not humans created the first aerosols. Technically, an aerosol is a “colloidal system of solid or liquid particles in a gas” (Wikipedia). For […]