We eliminate wasteful, pollution-generating, duplicate, unnecessary, harmful and non-complying and/or non-conforming industrial chemical…. one bottle at a time.
Since 1991, Ecolink has specialized in delivering chemical performance, compliance, conformance and cost efficacy. We have conducted thousands of solvent substitution conversions and referred as many to one of our alliance partners. Our systematic approach combines world-class chemicals (more than 5,000 commodity chemicals and over 1,000 specialty/formulated chemicals) with best practices for extending chemical lifecycle. We study ‘each’ of your chemicals, methods, machines and people involved and then rethink your cleaning process to remove soils and contaminants without hurting your product and/or equipment involved, your workers, your profits or our environment. We can help reduce your chemical consumption by up 50% or better by leveraging the ‘SUM” of all three aspects of our unparalleled chemical strategies:
Stabilize where we eliminate:
Uptimize represents optimizing up-time. Mechanical vs. manual cleaning requires fewer chemicals and reduces worker exposure to potentially harmful chemicals. Improving filtration systems on parts washers will extend the life of the cleaning solution. Transitioning toward pre-measured and saturated wipers will eliminate over-spill, evaporation, skin, eye and respiratory exposure to hand-wipe chemicals used during surface preparation (i.e. pre-painting, coating or bonding). For stationary cleaning, the use of mechanical or chemical rinsing or drying agents reduces labor hours, equipment downtime and defect or rework rates.
Maximize represents reclaiming or recycling the spent chemical solution. Solvent recovery systems have a very short payback period and now handle a wider range of chemistries. Also, our team examines how or why parts get dirty and identifies ways to reduce the need to clean.
Heard enough? Happy chemicals are just a phone call 800 563-1305 or email away.
Industries we support:
Ways of Cleaning | Surfaces | Agents | Soils |
| (Organic)
Potential Compliance Benefit:
- Get below any of the reporting thresholds for SARA Title III, (40 CFR 355, 370, and 372: and EO 12856).
- Decrease VOC or toxics emissions below Title V permitting thresholds (40 CFR 70 and 71).
- Switch from a halogenated solvent to a non-hazardous material may also decrease the need for a facility to meet the NESHAPs for halogenated solvent cleaning (40 CFR 63).
- Use non-ODS material to help meet the requirements under 40 CFR 82, Subpart D and Executive Order 12842 * required by Federal agencies to maximize the use of safe alternatives to class I and class II ozone depleting substances.
- Disposal costs of hazardous materials (expired shelf life) and hazardous waste are reduced or eliminated. RCRA, 40 CFR 2262.41 (a) (6), potentially reduces generator status under RCRA, 40 CFR 262.
Materials Compatibility: The materials compatibility issue is a serious concern when substituting one chemical for another. Be very thorough and specific when evaluating the solvent substitute and make every effort to find conclusive evidence and research that supports the use of the substitute for your particular application. Where conclusive information is not available, consult with your environmental support group for direction on the procedures and requirements for evaluating a potential substitute product.
Safety and Health: An important goal and result of solvent substitution is the elimination or minimization of personnel exposure of to hazardous chemicals. The substitution of a non-hazardous material should take into consideration any other chemical or physical hazards associated with the solvent substitute product or process. Consult your local industrial health specialist, your local health and safety personnel, and the appropriate MSDS prior to implementing this technology.
Benefits: The following benefits are possible through solvent substitution:
- Reduce or eliminate VOC fugitive emissions from the use of solvent based materials
- Reduce or eliminate the generation and associated costs of handling and disposal of hazardous waste from the use of solvent based materials
- Reduce or eliminate the use of ODCs
- In many cases, the process/products are more cost effective than the original process/chemical
- Provide a healthier work environment by reducing personnel exposure to solvents
- Economic benefits of solvent substitution are very specific to the process and application involved.
Other resources:
Cleaner Solutions Database – Industrial end users can find a cleaner or replace a solvent as part of TURI Lab’s
Joint Service Solvent Substitution Database for Military, DOD interested in HAP FREE Cleaners
Here is a handy tool to ‘visually’ scorecard the qualitative and quantitative satisfaction with a specific industrial chemical. For a FREE consultation, call 800 563-1305 or email as we now offer an iPAD APP.
Chemical Name | MEK |
Manufacturer | ACME Inc |
Distributor (if not sourced from Manufacturer) | JIT Co |
Use Description | paint gun flushing |
Use area(s) | paint shop |
Product Performance (0 or 1) | 1 |
Product Packaging (0 or 1) | 1 |
Price/Cost Effectiveness (0 or 1) | 1 |
Service (0 or 1) | 1 |
Compliance / Conformance (0 or 1) | 0 |
Satisfaction Score (1-5) | 4 |
Cost per Gallon (Nearest $10) (10/20/30/40, etc) | $10 |
Years in Use (1, 3, 5, 10+) | 1 |
Second Source? [Y or N] | Y |
Reorder Frequency (W = week BW = bi-weekly M = monthly Q = quarterly S = semi-annual A = once/year) | W |
Reporting Resources (E = Employee V = Vendor O = outside resource, i.e. consultant) | O |
Disposal amount (drums) | 20 |
Disposal fees $ | $3,000 |
Disposal Frequency (W = week BW = bi-weekly M = monthly Q = quarterly S = semi-annual A = once/year) | BW |
Comments | Low impact |