Silwipe 25 – Low VOC Wipe Solvent Cleaner

Silwipe 25 – Low VOC Wipe Solvent Cleaner

Product Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet



Silwipe 25 provides the future of environmentally sound industrial maintenance to your workplace today. This low VOC formula make use of the latest innovations in solvent chemistry resulting in a high purity, no-residue, fast dry formula.
Use Silwipe 25 to clean metal, plastic, and composite surfaces. Unlike high VOC solvents such as MEK, citrus terpenes, and n-propyl bromide, Silwipe 25 is able to perform a variety of cleaning jobs without contributing to the formation of photochemical smog. Silwipe 25 is low in odor and particularly effective at removing silicone oil and grease contaminants.


• Evaporate quickly
• Low toxicity
• No ozone depleting substances
• No halogenated solvents
• Leaves absolutely no residue
• Safe on all metals and other critical surfaces*
• Broad range of material compatibility


Silwipe 25 quickly and easily removes dirt, dust, light oils, grease, and other deposits from metallic and non-metallic surfaces. Simply spray and wipe to flush off soils and surface will air dry in seconds.
* We suggest that you always test critical surface compatibility or call us for tech support.

Key Physical Characteristics

Property Silwipe 25
Boiling Point 100 ° C
Appearance Clear, Colorless Liquid
Evaporation Rate (nBuAc=1) > 1.0
Flash Point, Tag Closed Cup -1o C
Odor Mild
Solubility in Water Negligible
Specific Gravity (H2O=1) 0.815
Vapor Density (Air=1) >1
Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): ~1.3 @ 20oC
VOC Content – Except CA Exempt compound (0 gm/liter)
VOC Content – California 25 gm/liter

Safety and Handling Precautions

Silwipe 25 is a flammable liquid that should never be used around open flames, (welding torches, for example). Always use with adequate ventilation. Rubber gloves are recommended. Place rags in a metal sealable container after use to avoid possible spontaneous combustion. Keep container closed. Avoid excessive contact with fumes or liquid. Treat this chemical with respect and follow all MSDS instructions.


Product Name Packaging
Silwipe 25 55 Gallon Drums
Silwipe 25 5 Gallon Pails
Silwipe 25 4 x 1 Gallon Cans