Safe Strip G

Environmentally Preferred Paint & Coating Remover

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Product Data Sheet Material Safety Data Sheet

SAFE STRIP G is a new, one-step, safe stripper in a viscous liquid that removes a multitude of coatings from a variety of surfaces. It contains no methylene chloride, methanol, toluene, acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, xylene or ethylene glycol ethers. It has a very slow evaporation without sacrificing performance. Its gel formulation adheres to overhead and vertical surfaces. It is thin enough to spray on and thick enough to stay on. Provides maximum safety and improved performance for all industrial maintenance applications.


  • Water soluble
  • Biodegradable
  • Non-Carcinogenic
  • Low VOC emissions in use
  • Suitable for vertical surfaces
  • No Methylene Chloride, MEK or Toluene
  • One-step coatings removal

SAFE STRIP G effectively removes a variety of paints including high gloss alkyl enamel, varnish, acrylic latex and polyurethane. As a coatings remover, it can easily remove industrial adhesives, clearkote, gaskets and seals.

SAFE STRIP G is an excellent replacement for gasket and adhesive solvents containing 1,1,1 trichloroethane, methylene chloride, acetone or toluene.

SAFE STRIP G’s unique gel formulation may be brushed onto vertical and overhead surfaces. It is thin enough to be sprayed on but thick enough to stay put. SAFE STRIP G’s slow evaporation eliminates multiple applications and high VOC emissions. Apply it once, let it work for 10-15 minutes, then scrape or rinse away softened coating.

Key Physical Characteristics

Physical Property Typical Value
Boiling Point 200° F
Evaporation Rate (nBuAc=1) < 1
Flash Point, Tag Closed Cup > 200° F
Odor Sweet
Solubility in Water Complete
Specific Gravity (H2O=1) 1.03
pH of Solution N/A
Physical Form Thick, Clear Liquid
Vapor Pressure (mmHg) < 1.00 mmHg @ 68° F
Vapor Density (Air = 1) > 3.0
VOC 969 gm/l

(N/A = Not Applicable N/E = Not Established)

Safety and Handling Precautions
Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid breathing mist or vapor. Use with adequate ventilation. Keep this container and vapors from this container away from heat and flame. Keep container closed.

If spilled, eliminate sources of ignition. Absorb with earth, sand or similar inert material and dispose of with solid waste according to federal, state and local regulations. Flush spill area with water. Consult MSDS.


Product Name Part No. Packaging National Stock No.
SAFE STRIP G 0389-55 55 Gal. Drum 6850.01-454-6500
SAFE STRIP G 0389-5 6 Gal. Pail 6850-01-454-6489
SAFE STRIP G 0389-1 4 x 1 Gal. Case
SAFE STRIP G 0389-66 12 Pt. Case