PEN-T-10 (Aerosol)

Aerosol Penetrating Oil / Lubricant

Product Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet

PEN-T-10 is a combination penetrant, anti-seize and moisture displacement agent that not only loosens frozennuts, bolts, and fittings, (while preventing future freezing,rusting, corrosion and oxidation). Its deep penetratingaction enables it to reach into the threads to freecountersunk bolts and screws.

PEN-T-10 contains no methylene chloride or ozonedepleting ingredients. It is classified as a non-flammableaerosol per CPSC guidelines. Its unique formula deliversrapid penetrating action and leaves a protective coating toguard against rust and corrosion. As a cleaning agent,PEN-T will displace moisture while removing grease,grime, cutting fluids, assembly marks, gum, tar and adhesives from most surfaces.


  • Releases frozen parts
  • Cleans common industrial soils
  • Will not build up, solidify or flake
  • Prevents seizing, rusting and corrosion
  • Liquefies rust, corrosion and material deposits
  • Contains no ozone depleting solvents or propellants
  • Protects ferrous metal surfaces

Use undiluted. Spray, brush, dip or wipe product on surface to be protected or lubricated. Be sure to fully coat parts, inside and out.

As a voltage stabilizer, use to restore electrical equipment after exposure to water. Simply remove excess water then apply one heavy coat of product. Test voltage and apply a second coat, if needed.

Key Physical Characteristics

Physical Property Typical Value
Boiling Point N/E
Color Red
Evaporation Rate (nBuAc = 1) <1
Flammability Non-flammable per flame extension guidelines
Odor Mild terpene
Solubility in Water Negligible
Specific Gravity 0.78-0.83
Vapor Density (Air=1) >1
Vapor Pressure @ 100°F 65-75 psig (propellant)
VOC Content 8%

(N/A = Not Applicable N/E = Not Established)

Safety and Handling Precautions
Use with adequate ventilation or air-line respirator. Protective nitrile or neoprene gloves and safety glasses, or splash goggles are recommended.

Always store unused portion in original container with cap secured. Avoid temperature extremes. Contents under pressure. Keep out of reach of children. Keep containers cool. Use shielding to protect personnel against bursting, rupturing or venting containers. Do not puncture or incinerate containers.


Product Name Part No. Packaging
PEN-T-10 0699-1 12 x 10 oz aerosols