Intern Forms & Resources

Internship Pay Information

All interns are paid as contractors. Ecolink will not withhold any payroll taxes from gross pay. Contractors will receive a 1099-MISC form the January after they have their completed internship. This 1099-MISC will be sent to the IRS as well. All contractors should consult with their own tax preparer to determine taxes owed. Ecolink does not withhold nor contribute to payroll tax which is currently 15.3%.

Internship On-Boarding Instructions

All interns are required to complete a Non Disclosure Agreement, a W-9, and provide their banking information to receive online payments. We do not pay by check. Please follow the three steps below to ensure that you will be paid on time.

The W-9 must have a physical address (not a PO Box) and have a wet signature. If you have any questions at all, please email us.

  1. Download and Complete W-9 Form
  2. Download and Complete NDA Georgia
  3. Fill Out the Form Below, Upload your W-9 & NDA, then Hit Submit!