Essay Scholarships College Students

Congratulations to our 2022 Scholarship Winners!


Award Recipient


Michael Spehalski
$500 John Dayton
$250 Zora Massey
$250 Gracie Davis
$250 Raissa Fernandes
$250 Anna LaPrade
$250 Tina Chi
$250 Kendall Chow

At Ecolink, Inc, we have been successfully selling industrial chemicals since 1991 with a community focus on solving cleaning problems in the most eco-friendly way possible.  We want to share our success with students all over the United States and invite you to join our Essay Scholarships for College Students Contest.

Ecolink’s mission is simple: Smarter, Safer, Chemicals — Today, Tomorrow, Always. We continually search for cleaner ideas to honor our mission and that’s where you can help! Our essay theme this year will be: “How can we use less chemicals?”

From now until August 18th, 2022, tap into your creative side and send us your winning Less Chemicals  Ideas:

  • Your essay ideas can be in written or video format.
  • The top eight entries will win cash prizes ranging from $250-500. (You get to choose how to apply to your college expenses: tuition, books, dorm supplies, parking, etc!)
  • Please read ALL the contest details below, work your creative magic, and hit Apply Now to submit your entry.
  • If you have any specific questions not answered below, please email us today!

Read carefully before submitting your application to our Essay Scholarships College Students Contest.

“HOW TO USE LESS CHEMICAL” Contest Rules and Guidelines

  • Winners: Our Ecolink Team will judge entries and award EIGHT scholarships to EIGHT different applicants. We will announce the winners on August 29th, 2022.
  • Prizes: The top TWO winners will receive a $500 cash prize, and have their essay or video featured on or one of our affiliate sites or social media platforms. The other SIX winners will receive a $250 cash prize. The cash prize will come in the form of a check or direct deposit.
  • Writing/Video Prompt: How to Use Less Chemicals – look for ways you, your neighbors, community, school, work, church, business or other entity can practice smarter, safer, chemical usage, by using less. Is there a way to clean effectively using less chemicals? Do you have a greener solution for any cleaning process? Can you find ways to reduce chemical waste? Ask your parents, friends, co-workers, bosses, and anyone else about their chemical usage. Can that chemical amount be reduced or made safer? OR think bigger — What about chemical use and consumption from: manufacturing, construction, aerospace, farming, maintenance and more! We all touch chemicals at some point in our lives – how can we use less?
  • Submission: All submissions become the sole property of Ecolink, Inc, and we reserve the right to publish essays/videos on any or all of our digital properties. Essays and Videos should be submitted using the online form only.  Each participant can submit multiple essays and videos for consideration, but only ONE scholarship will be awarded per person.
  • Titling Documents for Submission: Please use the guidelines below when titling your document prior to submission. Essays that are not saved with this naming format WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE. Please use “LastnameTitle2022”. For example, if your name is John Smith and the title of your essay or video is “Cleaning My Neighborhood,” then your submission would be titled “SmithCleaningMyNeighborhood2021”.
  • Deadline: August 18, 2022. Entries received after Midnight EST on that day will not be considered.
  • Length: Written essays should be a minimum of 450 words. Video essays should be a minimum of 30 seconds. Accepted file types: pdf, doc, mp4, & docx. Max. File Size: 50 MB.
  • Eligibility: The contest is open to any current students attending high school or college who are between the ages of 18-22 on or before August 18, 2022.
  • Language: Essays or videos should be written or filmed in English and must be the student’s original work.

essay scholarships college students apply