Dispose less hazardous waste

On a Scale of 1-5 how happy are you with your hazardous waste disposal and removal service provider?

Are you 1, 2 or 3 out of 5? We can help and save money Are you 4 or 5 out of 5? Have a nice day

It’s a simple question Ecolink has been asking since 1991. During the past 20 years, Ecolink has received a steady stream of phone calls, emails and face-to-face complaints from unhappy customers. The essential 5 groups of people to make happy:

  1. People paying the bill
  2. People operating the parts washing systems
  3. Environmental, Health and Safety people in charge of disposal and reporting
  4. Regulators – EPA and OSHA
  5. External community – shareholders, insurance provider, neighbors and natural habitat

The conclusion from our observational research, informal surveys and polls is that the most common complaints fall into the following categories:

High employee turnover leads to inconsistent service among drivers, technicians

One size fits all program is often too much for smaller sized operations

Odor & safety – chemicals in use (ex: mineral spirits) are harsh and unpleasant to handle

Expensive contracts – rising prices reflect volatility of petroleum prices

Monthly pick-ups occur independent of change in business conditions

Parts washing equipment – old, inefficient

Zero (0) checks and balances to control, manage costs

Unpredictable delivery and/or pick-ups

EPA and OSHA citations and fines


Looking at the chemical lifecycle we developed a lean(er) chemical solution to almost eliminate the need for a hazardous waste service provider.

How? Through a systematic combination of 100% virgin solvent paired with smart(er) parts washing equipment and clean(er) filtration “in process and on-site” instead of outside your process and off-site,” we have perfected a methodology that separates the solids (dirt, grease, sludge, etc.) from the liquids (as much as 90% of the solvent remains clean inside your parts washing system).

The results? On a typical parts washing system operating with mineral spirits, also known as Stoddard solvent or PD-680 for military applications, in a 30 gallon parts washer we have reclaimed up to 90% of the solvent and less than 3 gallons of solid and liquid waste (i.e. drag out). In addition, we offer a secondary filtration step that can clean the remaining solvent down to 1 micron in less than 10 minutes. This process gets repeated again and again and again by topping off with a few gallons of fresh, virgin solvent.

Benefits include:

  • 50% or greater reduction in fees associated with emptying entire parts cleaning system, cart off ‘all’ the solvent and bringing back ‘some’ reclaimed solvent
  • Guarantees zero (0) cross contamination with chemicals and dirt from other facilities processed at the same reclamation plant
  • Saves valuable time
  • Less hazardous materials on the roads, in the ground and water

Ecolink’s mission is to optimize the parts washer and minimize waste management services thereby changing how people view chemical consumption. Operating linearly – buy chemicals, use them up, and throw them out – does not help your bottom line or the environment. However, looking at chemical consumption as cyclical – you buy chemicals, use them, then reuse or recycle them – hazardous materials & packaging stay out of landfills + cuts your chemical usage by 50% or more + saves thousands of miles from trucks hauling clean and dirty chemicals. Eliminating chemical-related waste and pollution by extending chemical longevity is a sustainable departure from status quo operation.

$100 Million Challenge by 2015

Ecolink is 100% committed to saving current government and industrial customers in a hazardous waste management and disposal service contract more than $100 Million by 2015 by ensuring at least 4 out of 5 people within your organization and extended community are satisfied with the industrial chemicals in use and the associated waste generated. We specialize in reducing the “most commonly ignored operating expense categories.” With the support and stability of our advisory groups and team of national experts, we invite you to a complimentary contract, invoice and/or waste manifest audit. We will entertain all inquiries for early termination of your existing contract as well as provide financing for capital expenditures, improve payment terms and accept a portion of our fees under performance contracting also known as gain-sharing. In return, we request access to data of savings generated – money, tons, gallons, miles saved – to feature in articles, white papers, industry award recognition and on-line and in-print media outlets.

Take action: call 800 563-1305 or email to schedule an on-site assessment to learn how much you can save and how soon.